Privacy Policy

Commitment to Your Privacy

Our customers’ privacy and security is of the upmost important to us at Garage Flooring Mats. In order to better understand the collection of data, its intended use, and safeguarding, please read the notes below.

What Information is Collected?

The following information is collected during your order process at garageflooringmats.com:

  • Name.
  • Shipping and Billing Address.
  • Email Address.
  • Phone Number.
  • Credit/Debit Card Information.

How is the Collected Information being Used?

The information we collect is used for the following purposes:

  • Fulfill and ship the order to the correct address.

· To contact buyers in case of any questions or inform regarding any complications with an order.

  • To send emails with exclusive offers available to our customers.

No customer information will be shared with or sold to third party entities for marketing purposes.

We work very hard to ensure that the information provided to us is protected and secured, and consider it to be a top commitment.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions, please email us at sales@garageflooringmats.com or give us a call us toll free at (866) 561-1921.

What is Garage Flooring Mats:


Garage Flooring Mats is a retailer/manufacturer of floor covering solutions located in Blaine, Washington. The company produces and distributes floor mats for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes, and centers its values on superior customer service and satisfaction for the end consumers.

Moreover, the company also strives to provide innovation in design (both aesthetically and functionally) to provide products with or without custom logos in commercial application, to help our consumers better communicate their very own brand and maintain a clean entry to their building.